We recently asked the members of our Buzz Feed community to share their “normal” habits they have discovered, are actually quite weird and dirty !!!
Here are some of their answers:
1.“When I was a child, I liked the chocolate syrup in my vanilla ice cream before I ate it. Was mixed this way, I would eat it.”
Flori Bengescu / Getty images
2.“Only wash the tips of my fingers after using the toilet.”
—Anonym, 30, California
3.“Flossing your teeth with strict hair is apparently not socially acceptable.”
Ballyscanlon / Getty images
4.“I always thought it was normal to swallow your toothpaste because my mother did. I can’t believe I have done something so roughly for so long.”
5.“Open the fridge and drink directly from the milk jug. To make it even more disturbing, my whole family did it up. I always thought it was the norm – then I had friends and discovered that it was certainly not.”
—Anonym, 35, Iowa
Ziggy1 / Getty Images / Istockphoto
6.“The best friend of my sister’s youth would spit on the shelves in the frozen food sections in supermarkets, walk around with her mother for a while, come back as it was frozen and eat it.
7.“I was probably 13 or 14 when my mother caught me using the toilet brush to clean up the sink. I didn’t see the problem. Is the spray not supposed to kill the germs?”
Peter Dazeley / Getty images
8.“When I eat popcorn, I have to wave it in my mouth with water or cola diet before I swallow it. I have been doing this since I was a child, but my family has not taught me this – it’s just something I started doing alone . “
9.‘When I was a child, I drank a lot of milk and cola together because of LaVerne and Shirley. My friends still talk about how weird it is. “
Murziknata / Getty images
10.“BMJ: Bacon, Mosterd and Jelly Sandwiches. Do not beat until you have tried it!”
11.“All my life I wiped my toothbrush on the towel to dry him until my sister asked what the hell I was doing.”
Tuan Tran / Getty images
12.“Rinsing an Icelolly before I eat it or give it to a person to eat.”
13.“I use my earring to scrape the mud under my nails and put the earr and put the earring back in my ear.”
Golden flower -shaped dangling earrings with large pearl -like centers
Close-up of a hand with broken red nail polish, with wear and imperfect manicure
Tarzhanova / Getty Images / Istockphoto, Jena Ardell / Getty Images
14.“I used to pull my eyebrows on public transport. I am so sorry for anyone who got that sticky little living hair follicles that are attached to their clothing and skin.”
15.“Eating snow. Just take the same handful of snow that you might see a child filling in their mouths and let it melt in a glass. I bet you wouldn’t drink it!”
16.“I put eggshells back in the box. I didn’t know it was dirty because I always saw my mother do it. I can’t believe it took me until last year to realize the mistake of my manners.”
17.“My father taught me that the way to know if oil is hot enough is to bake something to spit into it. If it bubbles, it is ready. I was way too old if someone told me you just water in it Could drop in the food of so many people when I baked!
SOD Tatong / Getty images
18.“I rinsed my tampons all my life until I was about 30. Nobody had taught me that they were not rinnerable. I thought they were like toilet paper. An expensive and embarrassing plumbing problem later I never did it again.”
19.“I was told that the thorough licking of my fingers is disgusting after eating a bag of chips.”
—Anonym, Saint-Barthélemy
Nugroho Ridho / Getty images
20.“I used to take shits and wiped for a while, but if it took too long, I would just fill a mudflats in my butt crack and handle it later.”
21.“Poepmes, someone?”
Are there “normal” things you do that you discovered in one day are actually pretty coarse? Let us know in the comments!
Some submissions are edited for length and/or clarity.